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Unjha Rajashahi Amrit Rasayan 825Gm(Rajawadi Amrit Rasayan – 250Gm Free)


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Rejuvenation and revitalizing the body has become a very important step toward a healthy life in today’s hectic life style. Chyawanprash is a delicious traditional indian food supplement made from fruit, spices, herbs, minerals, ghee, sugar candy and honey. Being natural and safe for all age groups. UNJHA PHARMACY has come up with a unique product, known as the Rajashahi chyawanprash.

Regular consumption of Rajashahi chyawanprash keeps your family healthy so that they can stay protected from illness and be ready to face tomorrows challenges effectively. It is prepared with many herbs , spices, minerals etc. which is beneficial to health.

Rajashahi chyawanprash has green amla as the main ingredients and other potent herbs and minerals that boost the immunity of the body and make it resistant to common infections. Its regular consumption improves stress tolerance , enhance overall strength and energy, supports digestive system, improves memory and encourages brain functions, aids in purification of blood and in elimination of toxic elements from the body and fights with respiratory issues and also aids lung functioning to an extent. It is also a powerful anti-oxidant.

RAJASHAHI CHYAWANPRASH – It improves immune function and to support the body’s natural ability to fight illnesses.

RAJASHAHI CHYAWANPRASH – helps improve respiratory health and digestive functions.

RAJASHAHI CHYAWANPRASH –  good for improving vigour , vitality and delays the aging process due to its anti – oxidant properties.

RAJASHAHI CHYAWANPRASH –  it is having balya, vajikarakand  rasayan property.

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Composition: Each Gm. Contains.

Ingredients Name Botanical Name Part Use Reference Qty.
Fried Amla Pulp Phyllanthus Embelica Fruit Pulp A.B. 29.40 %
Piper Piper Longum Fruit A.B. 1.20 %
Satavari Asparagus Racemosus Root A.B. 0.60 %
Liquid Kesar Crocus Sativus Style And Stigma A.B. 0.13 %
Elaichi Oil Elettaria Cardamomum Fruit A.B. 0.070 %
Safed Musli Asparagus Adscendense Root A.B. 0.04 %
Mandur Bhasma —————- ———— R.T.S. 0.020 %
Bang Bhasma ———————- ———- R.T.S.P. 0.010 %
Mukta Sukti Pishti ———————- ———- R.T.S. 0.01 %
Suvarna Bhasma ————————- ————— B.B.R. 0.001 %
Purna Chandroday Rasa (Suvarna Yukt ) ——————- ——————- B.B.R. 0.36 %
Hira Bhasma ——————— ————– A.S.S. 0.001 %
Shuddh Shilajit Asphaltum Punjabinum Exudate A.B. 0.001 %
Chandi Varakh Arjentinum ————- B.B.R. 0.001 %
Approved Colour Orange Yellow Fcf ——————— ——————– ————– 0.1 %
Sugar Base ——————— —————— ————- Q.S.
Preservatives Q.S.


Drug action:-

  1. GREEN AMLA (EMBELICA OFFICINALIS ) :- High concentration of vitamin c in amla helps the body recover from illness. The fiber in amlahelps the body regulate bowel movements. it boosts immunity , regulate liver function, very effective in neutralizing stomach acids, improves immune function.
  2. SHUDDH SHILAJIT (ASPHALTUM PUNJABINUM) :- shilajit is a health rejuvenator that improves sexual stamina and energy levels. it is effective in spermatorrhea, tirdness, weakness, erectile dysfunction, general debility . also showed significant improvement in sexual behaviour.
  3. KESAR (CROCUS SATIVUS ):-it can be used as an aphrodisiac , diaphoretic, carminative and some menstrual problems, it increase vitality, also effective in erectile dysfunction, and also having anti oxidant properties.
  4. LINDI PIPER (PIPER LONGUM ):-potent rejuvenate herbs having anti- ageing and aphrodisiac effects on the body . it is helpful in  indigestion , abdominal pain and  useful in common cold, cough and some respiratory disorders, also effective against microbial infection and also beneficial to improve immune function.it increase virility and stamina .
  5. SATAVARI (ASPARAGUS RACEMOSUS ):-being a powerful adaptogenic herb that is full of anti oxidants .it is considered a health tonic for improving sleep, stress, overall hormonal balance. also it has an anti – inflammatory and anti- ulcer properties. Also it is effective in testosterone, sperm count and volume of sperm.
  6. SAFED MUSLI (ASPARAGUS ADSENDENCE ):- it is known as rejuvenator, a vitilizer and a health tonic , it can be used for improvement of health as it restores immunity and potent aphrodisiac. Its having spermatogenic, anti – stress and anti oxidantproperties .Its effective in erectile dysfunction as well as stress – induced sexual problems. It also helps improve the quality as well as quantity of sperms.


  1. RASA SINDUR :-it is used to boost immune system, to improve strength, in cardiac diseases, abdominal pain, urinary tract infection related disease, some inflammatory condition, some respiratory condition, asthma, anemia etc.
  2. ELAICHI OIL (ELETTARIA CARDAMOMUM ):-it containtsphyto chemicals that have anti- inflammatory , anti – oxidant and anti- microbial properties. It is good for curing stomach problems like indigestion, gas, ulcers, effective in congestionand It is a natural breath freshner. It comprises valuable antioxidants that balance the reproductive hormones in the body.
  3. BANG BHASMA ;-beneficial in diabetes, urine related diseases and also effective management of male sexual dysfunction because it helps to restore the energy level and improve sexual stamina due to its vrushya and balya properties. it improves body’s immunity to fight infection due to its rasayan nature.  It is used in treatment of impotence, nerve weakness, spermatorrhoea etc.
  • MUKTA SUKTI BHASMA :-primarily used for the treatment of stomach disease . it indicated in chronic fever, cough, tuberculosis, hyperacidity, abdominal pain, boost immune system, general debility.
  • MANDUR BHASMA :-remedy for treating and preventing ion deficiency anemia and debility associated with anemia. it improves liver functioning, effective in jaundice , improves strength and immunity. It acts as natural aphrodisiac and having carminative and digestive properties, also effective in amenorrhea, dysmenorrhea and abdominal cramp and helps to regulate menstrual cycle.
  • RAUPYA BHASMA :-used in eye diseases, general debility , burning sensation in the body, dry cough and fever , frequent urination, anemia, also effective in male reproductive dysfunction , may help increase the production of sperm and some neurological diseases.
  • SUVARNA BHASMA :- it provides numerous therapeutic values like rejuvenator, aphrodisiac, and increase the longevity of life etc.it is helpful in arthritic condition, diabetic symptoms and nervous system related disease. Itshaving anti- stress, anti depression and adaptogenic property, it enhance immunity, prevents and inhibits the growth of abnormal cells in the body . its immunity enhancing property combats the development of any tumor or cancerous cells. Aphrodisiac property may help improve stamina, strength, low sperm count and improve quality and quantity of semen.


  • HIRAKBHASMA :- it is powerful cardio protective, aphrodisiac, immunomodulatory, anti cancer, adaptogenic, anti oxidant, anti microbial and rejuvenative property. It is used in the treatment of tuberculosis, diabetic symptoms, infertility, anaemia and some inflammatory condition and having good aphrodisiac property.


  • PURNACHANDRODAYRASA :- it is very good supplement for strength, stamina and vigour that is primarily used for the treatment of low sexual vitality. It is especially indicated in male disorders for improving libido and erection. Also it is indicated in fever, tuberculosis, weakness of nerves etc.


INDICATION: – A Valuable Formula That Helps In Improving The Body’s Immune System And Physical Strength, It Is Beneficial In Digestive Problems, General Weakness, Common Respiratory Infections Like Cold And Cough.


Children: 1/2 to 1 teaspoon twice a day with milk or water or as directed by the physician.

Adults: 1 to 2 teaspoon twice a day with milk or water or as directed by the physician.

Weight 0.825 g

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